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Ethics Statement

I'm a photographer passionate about photographers, photography, gear, sharing ideas, and travel hacking.  I do not do paid reviews, and I do not “occasionally receive free and loaner products and trips from the companies that we write about”… ever.  These words and experiences are my own.  I will never solicit freebies, reward companies that provide them, or punish companies that don’t.  Advertisers don't have influence over my content, nor do I accept any form of compensation in exchange for blog posts.  All reviews are of items I have purchased myself and I am not paid or compensated in any way.

Affiliate Links

I use affiliate links (e.g. Amazon’s Affiliate Program, B&H, etc.) when directing readers where they can buy equipment. I aim to provide some basic guidance for you and hope that you're able to make in informed decision with my sharing.

In NO way does this effect the actual price of the equipment, but in a small way, does help pay for my endeavors here as I receive a small percentage of profit from sales generated through these links. The use of affiliate links will never influence the content or opinions of my articles.  If I post an affiliate link to a product, it is something that I personally use, support and would recommend without an affiliate link.


-- Now back to our scheduled programming --

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