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Insure Your Gear

Today will be a quick but very important topic - insurance for your photography gear.

The likelihood of something happening to your stuff - theft, damage, loss - carries a nonzero probability. If you use your equipment with any level of vigor, chances are something will eventually happen to your photography equipment. For me, it was the theft of my photography backpack while traveling through London that prompted me to get an insurance plan.

Before I get into what I do with my gear, I just want to be clear. I am not a lawyer, I am not advising you what's best for your situation. I don't know anything about your hobby/business, so please use this post primarily as information and be sure to look into this topic as it pertains to your application. My experience is solely as an independent travel photographer, and I have absolutely no clue how to get insurance as a business or to cover any possibly injury to clients. Moving on...

The provider with whom I hold a renter's insurance and automotive insurance also offers a plan called a personal articles policy. The fine print very clearly states that the coverage applies only to your own personal belongings, and if you own a business or make any money form the use of said belongings, than this plan isn't for you. Sadly, I do not make any money off of selling prints, so I am in the clear.

Basically for 1% of the gear's value, I can insure it against damage, theft, or straight up dropping it over the side of a boat. I pay the premium once a year and I don't need to worry about missing a shot because it might scratch or dirty my camera. For just $10 a month you're covered to $12k, for me that's an easy decision - a few less gourmet coffees a month, and I'm free to shoot any even the worst conditions.

- Insure your gear, don't baby it. -

The author, enjoying -65˚F in the ice tunnels below Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

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